The Church of Transfiguration atop Mt. Tabor in Galilee, Israel, is inaccessible to large buses and can only be reached by LMVs. A mini-bus shuttle service operates between the bus terminal at Mt.Tabor (halfway up the mount) and the precincts of the church, for pilgrims. We visited the church on Day Seven (02.05.2008) of our pilgrimage.
Antonio Barluzzi, the Italian architect has designed the church in such a way that the spires would resemble three shelters (tents) that Peter suggested he would build for our Lord (see Mark 9: 5, Luke 9: 33). It was an awesome experience to be in the church. The painting of our Lord Jesus Christ flanked by Moses and Elijah inside the church reminded me of Jesus' words that he had come to fulfill prophecies concerning him - the Christ, in the Law (Moses) and Prophets (represented by Elijah).
After the visit to the church, we had to wait a long time for the mini-bus shuttle to take us back to our bus at the terminal. It was during this wait that Brother Selwyn of our group got us all to sing praises to the Lord. Our singing got an Italian pilgrim group waiting for their bus also to start singing. Selwyn, a videographer with a Christian Television Channel, started filming the pilgrims singing. Soon, he invited us to join the Italian group, and sing.
It was an evening when a group of Indians and Italians truly "made a joyful noise unto their LORD". Watch the 4: 40 min video posted below. (Or follow the link at YouTube.)
Brother Selwyn is a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm for the Lord. He was a "Praise and Worship" leader in our bus journeys in The Holy Land.
This blog post is dedicated to Brother Selwyn.
(I bought the smallest Bible at the Mt.Tabor bus terminal)